Tuesday, 10 May 2011

10 Hottest Women in Action Sports

10 Hottest Women in Action Sports

For most people, extreme sports is a male-dominated domain. But over the years, we have seen some women who crept into the scene and made an impression. But these ten ladies surely make us stop and stare and gawk. And we're not just talking about their looks too, they can kick ... big time.


Can there be any more wonderful a combination on God's green earth than t*ts and adrenaline? It's the amalgam every man wants – nay – needs. Now whilst for many of us the sheer thought of t*ts alone produces enough adrenaline for a lifetime, there are some stunning babes out there who clearly need more than the average share, and have taken up pastimes that provide them with exactly what they need. Here we give you ten of the best of 'em.

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