Tuesday 10 May 2011

wallpaper cartoon mickey

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  • .comackgrounds/Cartoons/

  • AidenShaw
    Sep 26, 06:44 AM
    ...speculation would indicate that Apple would elect to only use the X5355 and E5345, as they are the only models that support a 1333 MHz front side bus, which is what current Mac Pros use.
    Intel's 5000 chipset runs at both speeds, so nothing would have to change on the hardware to use the 1066 MHz bus.

    Well I'm already finding quite a lot of hesitation over this chip because it will attempt to squeeze too much power through a smaller FSB and create a huge bottleneck in system performance!

    If this is true, maybe it would be better to stick with the current Xeon chips until Clovertown is revised to address this issue.
    You'd be better off with a faster Xeon 5160 for a single-threaded application (or up to 4 single-threaded apps). This is simply due to the clock speed issue - the fastest dual-core is one notch faster than the fastest Clovertown.

    Running multi-threaded or lots of apps, though, the 8 core system will never be *slower* than the 4 core one at the same GHz. Dual 1333 MHz memory busses give a lot of bandwidth....

    The memory bottleneck simply means that on memory-intensive apps the 8 core won't be twice as fast as the 4 core. Probably something like 50% to 75% faster would be expected at the lower end. (Remember that 8 MiB of L2 cache - cache-friendly apps may scream!)

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Mickey
  • Mickey

  • iCole
    Apr 6, 10:54 AM
    I've switched in 2007 just because i was curious. No regrets but these are the things that I still think are annoying:
    - Viewing/deleting files in/modifying/... zipfiles without having to extract them first. In windows, I could just mess around in zipfiles or rars with files. If someone has a good app for that, let me know ;-)
    - Dragging a folder with the same name in a location with a folder with the same name overwrites it. Windows merges. I prefer merge.
    - Making screenshots. Altho i prefer to have more options to make a screenshot on mac, I just can't freaking memorize the keyboard shortcuts to make one. I always have to google them.
    - I also prefer the tree structure of windows explorer. I want to be able to drag something from one folder to another one without having to open either 2 finder windows or waiting for the folders to open by themselves. Drag and drop in MacOS is awesome btw but I would've loved the tree structure.
    - resizing windows on only one side. (gets fixed in Lion, so yippie) What were they thinking? Maximize i don't mind. Its silly anyway to maximize a window on a 27 Incher ;-)
    - If you install a program in the programs folder, and want to try and find it again: What I do is just sort them by date. But that doesn't always work. Also, the programs folder is a mess.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Image for mickey mouse and
  • Image for mickey mouse and

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 24, 08:02 PM
    Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said the Roman Catholic Church deeply believed that human sexuality was a gift reserved for married heterosexual couples. But those who express these views are faced with "a disturbing trend," he said.

    He may find a "disturbing trend", but I would characterize it as "social progress".

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  • Halloween Wallpapers middot; mickey

  • Povilas
    Oct 8, 08:10 AM
    I don't understand why some of you are having such a hard time believing this.

    The iPhone is great, it's not going any where. It is however one device from one company, and it's never going to be low (or even mid) end [of the market].

    Android has the world at it's feet, really. It has an apps store (with 15,000 apps so far), you're not locked in to using this apps store though, others can come along, or you can just copy an app to your phone and install it (no jailbreaking crap needed).

    Windows Mobile is a dead horse, iPhone OS is closed, but people want smart phones. Android to the rescue.

    Any manufacturer can take Android, they can design any handset with any features they like to sell in different markets and at different budgets. They don't have to invest a fortune in developing an OS themselves, or the infrastructure to support it. It's all done for them. If they want to they can have a few devs customising Android to some extent, but it's not a huge commitment. They can just as easily leave it alone and not have to do anything with it.

    Really seems like many a manufacturers wet dream.

    iPhone OS is closed and you can buy apps only on the App Store. For other ways to work you need to jailbreak. Android has no such restriction, but you have no guarantee that app you are buying is not some trojan horse or it has 1000 other bad things.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Mickey Mouse Cartoon Wallpaper
  • Mickey Mouse Cartoon Wallpaper

  • NathanMuir
    Mar 25, 06:52 PM
    I'll make it a point to better prioritize my time around your personal attacks; I'd hate for you to hurt yourself on that mouthful of faux-indignation.

    Hey, I was just commenting on the irony of your statement and request.

    As they say; 'People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.'

    If that's indigent; oh well.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. To download wallpapers Mickey
  • To download wallpapers Mickey

  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 19, 06:06 PM
    He just wants to play his music on Linux, is there something wrong with that?Yes.
    I really don't think that it would be terribly difficult to port iTunes or Quicktime to Linux.Probably not, but are you going to whip out a check to pay for it? Software delevelopment is not free.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. a Cartoon Wallpaper named
  • a Cartoon Wallpaper named

  • Mr. Gates
    May 2, 03:59 PM
    Macs are more vulnerable than people think.
    They just have such a lower market share and percentage of users than Microsoft that its not worth it to write malware and virus's for them.

    As Apple and OSX grows, this kind of thing will become more common and Apple will be more at risk

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. mickey mouse cartoon character
  • mickey mouse cartoon character

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 10:37 AM
    My kids would love that, too. Only problem would be trying to get my iPhone or iPad away from them! ;)

    And would you pay $40 for it? I'm guessing you would.

    Nintendo has really valuable IP that it would be wonderful to see on the iOS platform.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. minnie mouse mickey mouse
  • minnie mouse mickey mouse

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 09:48 AM
    I'm not super excited by these campaigns that seem to be sprouting, left and right, that, more or less, encourage people to be gay/lesbian/whatever. At the end of the day that's basically the underlying message in all these videos: "Go ahead, by gay. It's perfectly fine."
    So you would rather the message be:
    "(Don't) Go ahead,(and) be gay. It's (not) perfectly fine."

    Personally, I think that is a decision that one has to make for him/herself after much soul-searching. It's a very private journey and I'm not so sure that the media should be offering this type of "GO FOR IT!" message. One should come to accept who he/she is and embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle.
    Good god!
    It is not a prison sentence!
    "Embrace the inevitable consequences of the lifestyle" ? :confused::confused:
    Such as?

    What an astonishingly bleak world view you have.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. baby mickey wallpaper.
  • baby mickey wallpaper.

  • Queso
    Oct 26, 09:56 AM
    Great news! Let's hope it's true, as it would be nice to see Apple forge forward with frequent updates in this manner as they have already done to an extent. The days of waiting months for a 100 MHz PPC speed bump are long gone! :D
    To be fair, the days of waiting months for a 200MHz Intel speed bump are also long gone. This is a new paradigm from the chip manufacturers.

    Pretty damn good though isn't it. :)

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  • wallpaper chateau disney

  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 09:30 AM
    Let me try to explain what I mean from a different angle:

    The number of PCs being sold could remain constant and still fall behind tablet sales in the future. Why? The market expands. Think about who could use a mainframe back in the day. Very few companies. Then minicomputers came along and suddenly many more companies could get one. The market expanded, and even if mainframe sales remained constant, minicomputer sales surpassed them.

    Tablets will appeal to those who never got comfortable with PCs. Or who never bothered getting one at all. I've personally seen toddlers and 80-year-olds gravitate toward the iPad naturally. It just fits them perfectly. There's none of that artificial abstraction of a keyboard or mouse between their fingers and the device, they just interact directly. It appeals to them.

    Someone who uses a PC almost exclusively for email and web surfing will find a tablet appealing to them.

    Programmers and professional writers used to keyboards will not find a tablet appealing to them. Not yet, at least.

    So when the market balloons yet again to take in the Tablet Era, PCs will continue to be sold, but the number of users in this new market will be larger than the market that existed in the PC Era. Many PC users will move to tablets, and many folks who never enjoyed (or even used) PCs will grab a tablet. It will be bigger than the PC market by 2020.

    And by the way, the price premium referred to earlier in this thread? That's unique to Macs versus PCs because Apple does not compete in the low-end of the market. But in the smart phone and tablet markets, there is NO price premium. One day people will forget that Apple ever made "high-priced" items since it simply won't be true compared with the competition.

    As for Apple never making headway, they are merely the most profitable computer company on the planet. Nice lack of headway if you can get it.

    Oh i completely understand what you mean, thanks for the further clarification.

    Lets not forget that we are dealing with a more "computer" savvy generation. Your examples of 80yr olds and infants is generally correct, but when those infants get to school, they will be using desktops(at school.) I think the barrier that existed with PC emergence in the late 80's is still prevalent today, not with the youger crowd anyway.

    I think it will get to the point where people will have multiple devices in their homes. Just like people have laptops, desktops, and tablets(like myself) They will each have a place, but I just dont think tablets will run desktops and laptops out of peoples homes and time in the next 10-15 years.

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  • Sheep Cartoon Wallpaper

  • Applespider
    Mar 20, 04:48 PM
    The trouble with DRM is that it often affects the average Joe consumer more than it hurts those it's intended to stop.

    CDs that don't play in a PC annoy Joe Public who buys a CD and wants to listen to it on his office PC while at work. The guy who planned on pirating it can easily get round the DRM and go on his merry way.

    DRM embedded in iTunes annoy Joe Public who burned a track onto his wedding video and now can't distribute it to the wedding guests without working out an authorise/deauthorise schedule.

    The record companies assume everyone is out to be a criminal while the 'criminals' don't bother buying DRMed files or strip out protection and do what they want so just as many files end up on P2P networks and on dodgy CDs on street corners.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Micky Mouse
  • Micky Mouse

  • strabes
    May 2, 04:05 PM
    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.


    Basically just run this:
    defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Cartoon Wallpaper
  • Cartoon Wallpaper

  • sisyphus
    Sep 20, 11:01 PM
    First things first, I presume that the HD is there to put a great deal of stuff easily in reach. When SJ did the demo, the unit had all the album art/DVD covers on there as well as a synopsis etc... That could all be easily stored on the "iTV" reducing the need to access it all the time.

    Obviously it will also act as a temporary cache for downloaded movies/online trailers. I suspect the biggest use of the HD will be the ability to buy/rent movies directly from the unit.

    A bit of a "far out" idea is maybe to use the unit as a pseudo PVR in the future. If you were to say, pay $5 to watch the "insert big sporting event final here" online. You could pause it and use the HD to store data while you had to go use the facilities because you really shouldn't have finished off that Super Big Gulp before the game even started.

    An even better use would be a rental download that would stay on the iTV for a week prior to being "blipped".

    Apple doesn't want a PVR they want better than PVR. Instant demand to anything! However Apple isn't big enough for that. Instead all of the media companies will do it for them. Why? Greed, pure and simple greed. The thought of making money for no additional work is too lucrative for them. Why bother punchine out DVDs when you can send the master to Apple. Let them encode it and handle all the distribution problems. Look as Disney. They made $1,000,000 in one week for doing NOTHING. Why do you thing WalMart is scared (when was the last time you heard that?) Walmart succeeds because they force the best price from manufacturers. Someone has figured out the ultimate price reduction on the product - no physical media period! There is no way to undercut that.

    Studios aren't dumb either. This is actually a way for them to increase profits! As the price of purchase goes down, more people will buy. However they were able to reduce the price without reducing profits! (This is my assumption that the profit on each download is = to the DVD profit). Now guess what. The studio can actually increase their profits. Lets say for the real movie buffs they could release a $2 "Extras" download that would contain most the of stuff on DVDs that most people never actually watch. The hard core people would jump on it. The average people would just be happy with their basic movie.

    The next step is HD. Who is really going to care about HD-DVD vs. Blue-Ray if you could just download it in HD and store it on your umm... HD. :D Apple's near term goal is to replace your DVD player. However the longer term goal is to make the Mac your entire content delivery system.

    That being said in the near term the iTV is perfect for me IF Apple allows movie rentals. I think the reason that they didn't debut the movie rentals is the lack of a shipping iTV. I can just hear SJ at MWSF saying that the "most demanded feature for the movie downloads and iTV is rentals." Unfortunately living in Canada means I'll be waiting until it they are playing ice hockey in hell for this service to make it north.

    At home we have several TVs. If each TV were to (eventually) have an iTV it would mean access to all my media anywhere in the house. Should somebody like Elgato or TiVo be really smart and find an extremely simple way of meshing their products with the iTV I could access all of my data from anywhere in the house anytime. I'm just waiting to see where all of the pieces will be by January. I suspect they'll be far more cohesive than most people here expect.

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  • cartoon wallpaper Imperial

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 22, 09:53 PM
    Is this a bigger issue in the US, and do atheists abroad feel pressure to at least consider the idea of a God?

    In some areas of the US people look down on if you admit that you don't believe in God. People can be very vicious about it and at the work place it's best not to voice your opinion or the Christians will gang up against you. I've seen this happen several times.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. New Disney Cartoonquot;Mickey and
  • New Disney Cartoonquot;Mickey and

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 08:58 PM
    Nope, doesn't work that way for many viruses. Even if you have show hidden files and folders and show hidden system files check to show they still don't necessarily show thats the problem, its either a bug in the OS or something legit that people are exploiting. You can't even get them in command prompt but you can see them when plugged into other OS's. They are usually in a folder along with a script that does something to keep them hidden, or something somewhere else keeps them hidden.

    I honestly have no idea how you have the job that you do, because you fail tremendously in this aspect.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. Best Mickey and Minnie Cartoon
  • Best Mickey and Minnie Cartoon

  • �algiris
    May 2, 09:14 AM
    so much for the no malware on macs myth :D
    funny how the apple fanboys are getting all defensive :rolleyes:

    It's an app, pal.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. New Disney Cartoonquot;Mickey and
  • New Disney Cartoonquot;Mickey and

  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 04:32 PM
    In the EU there will soon be WEEE directive that governs the disposal of so called "E-waste" (televisions, computers, phones, etc), that will seriously affect manufacturers and retailers. So will Apple continue along their current trend of simply not selling products in these territories or will they redesign them? Because, eventually these sorts of laws will be passed all around the world, including the US.

    Apple needs to abide by the laws of whatever country it sells products in (I know, I ended with a preposition, I'm tired). In order to survive, Apple will need to adapt along with changine environmental law....I'm certainly not suggesting that Apple break the law.

    I'm only saying that as of right now, Apple's not actually doing anything legally wrong.

    EDIT: And as far as being "proactive," Apple is somewhat bound by its suppliers, at least in a manufacturing sense. Batteries from Sony, processors from Motorola, IBM and Intel, hard drives from Toshiba, etc.

    wallpaper cartoon mickey. cartoon, disney, mickey,
  • cartoon, disney, mickey,

  • dgree03
    Apr 21, 08:56 AM
    Well, just think of it as paying toll on a road that your taxes had already paid for (probably a bad example).

    This is a bad example, usually you pay a toll BECAUSE tax money was not used OR to fund half(or more) of the project.

    Shhh. Your experiences are obviously the exception, since they don't conform to his viewpoints.

    To be honest, the really "tech savy" ones are the ones who can and do use MULTIPLE platforms. Not just Windows, nor Mac, nor Linux, but a combination of many.

    I do love his "IT guy" argument though. I just had a friend's father, 20+ years as an IT Professional, convert over to Mac after getting fed up with the Windows Virus/Malware/other random issues train.

    He posted the pic of him in the Apple store looking at an iMac with the caption, "You're doing it right."


    I agree with this statement, I think tech savvy people are the ones who can use most any operating system, gadget, or whatever in some capacity.

    Knowledge will be 5 miles long and 1 foot deep.

    Jul 12, 11:44 AM
    As for Conroes being too hot for an iMac, that strikes me as ridiculous. From what I've read, conroes use 40% less power than Pentium D's and are very efficient in terms of power to performance.

    Pentium D has horrid heat output. :)

    Merom is a laptop chip and I'm not sure it will ever end up in a desktop system, even if it is the same socket as the Yonah.

    Yonah is a laptop chip yet it is in Apple's desktop iMac. :)


    The Merom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors#endnote_MeromSpeculation) has a TDP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Design_Point) of 35 W and the Conroe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors#endnote_ConroeSpeculation) has a TDP of 65 W (or 80 W for the X6xxx) ...and that isn't counting the difference in heat produced by the chipset (Apple is using a laptop chipset in the Intel iMac).

    So the question is can Apple use a chip and chipset that will have a peak thermal load that is likely more then double (if they used Conroe) what is in the current Intel iMac (the Yonah has a TDP around 27 W). Also in theory the Conroe should come out a little cheaper then a Merom based system because of volume and binning.

    Likely they can (given the iMac contained a G5 at one point, granted low clock rate) but it will come at the cost of more constant use of fans.

    Apple could go either way on this...

    Sep 20, 05:58 PM
    Digital TV providers have absolutely no incentive to use an Apple branded box. They make a lot of revenue on rental of their own set-top boxes that have the ability to play their pay-per-view content. Apple is the competition and they still hold all of the cards (TV content monopoly).

    I think you underestimate Apple's amazing sales pitch:

    "Hey look! Free money!"

    Apr 15, 11:21 AM
    I've never encountered discrimination of LSBT in ether Scotland, Germany, or Thailand. But i did encounter it a lot in the USA it was very surreal and with my partner living in the USA just now studying i hear he gets bullied a lot in college just for being transgendered which is just absolutely crazy and he'll is glad to coming back to Europe in the next few months.

    This is a real issue i feel that needs to be tackled in the USA as before i went i had assumed that people would be a lot more open there than they were.

    Jul 13, 10:36 AM
    every vendor, dell, HP, gateway ect offer workstations with single xeons, it's a very common practice because it makes business sense.

    Feb 24, 01:02 AM
    Apple will come up with something. Their fan base is too strong


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