Tuesday 10 May 2011

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 13, 11:50 PM
    Why can't people get away from the concept of a centralized power source, like a coal or nuclear plant or even a wind farm to generate their national needs? I even see arguments that 'we don't have the space' for alternative power. Look at an aerial photo of any city and all you see is miles and miles of dead empty blank rooves. Solar panels or even small wind turbines on every single roof in every city will have people either reducing their reliance on a central power source or even contributing their own electricity to the grid to the point you may not even need a central power source, or maybe just one - which could be a wind farm or a nice clean geothermal plant.

    I sure as hell would not want wind turbines on the roof of houses. The noise from them would drive me insane.

    I am a fan of putting solar cells on the roof of houses and then the excess power is sold back to the grid. That helps reduce it by a fair amount. Not that it would work in a large part of the country due to not being cost effective. You need to be farther south for it to really be worth it and have fair amount of sun shine.

    biggest thing is we need more efficiency out of what we have. HVAC is some of the biggest power draining system and improve those and it greatly improves the over all system.

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  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 02:48 PM
    Absolutely 100% false.

    According to the American Automobile Manufacturer's Association, there were 169,994,128 vehicles in the world in 1970. As of 2001 there were 450 million.

    Fine, then...per car, modern vehicles are now only 38 times cleaner than they were forty years ago. )
    It isnt absolutley 100% false. There is an extreme amount of people on this planet. Look at that rathole of a place China. And in america, the immigrants. There are a hell of a lot of people and my solution: Nuke the middle-east.
    and he said 40 years ago not 30 go back to 66 from NOW

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 26, 03:14 PM
    im hoping that apple has optimized leopard to be able to assign certain applications to certain cores. just like what some of the other posters have said

    4 cores for Cinema 4D
    1 core for internet and mail
    2 cores for photoshop
    1 core for quicktime dvd playback
    Unless you're doing realtime work with strict QoS demands, it's almost always better to let the OS schedule all threads across all CPUs.

    In the situation you describe, your browser would slow down when mail woke up to do something - even if QT or photoshop were idle.

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  • Lau
    Aug 29, 11:05 AM
    Apple is more green than dell. period.

    Makes me question the whole report if greenpeace thinks dell is more green then apple.

    Do you have evidence of this just out of interest? I too was surprised to read this, so I'd be interested if you had evidence the other way.


    Did I read that correctly?

    Sorry, I may not have been clear. I meant it as in I would much prefer to use OSX over Windows or Linux, and so would find it difficult to choose, say, a Dell because it ran Windows and I would find that unpleasant, even if Dell had a better environmental record.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 20, 04:09 AM
    I don't want to have to put yet another box on the shelf under my TV and have yet another remote control kicking around my living room.

    I already have a DVD, a VCR, and a Sky+ box (DVR). I know that in theory I should choose just one or two of these, but that doesn't work in practice. What happens when my mum records something on a video for me - I still need a VCR, and until Sky bring out a Sky+ box with a *much* larger hard disk then I'll need a DVD for keeping things long term.

    If Apple could include at least a DVD burner and ideally a DVR hard disk as well, then I could actually start replacing the other machines I have rather than just adding to them and cluttering up my living room.

    Its probably a moot point anyway as I doubt iTV will be launched in the UK for a long while anyway.

    Im hoping Apple bring out a HDTV of there own, with iTV built in. Basically a 50" iMac :D Seriously though that would be cool and I would buy it straight away. Eventually i think thats where Apple will end up.

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  • Dark
    Oct 25, 11:51 PM
    I personally really want this revision to made before the holiday season. I'm really in the market for a Mac-Pro and this would be the perfect Christmas/Birthday Gift. It would really upset me to get one and then shortly after Christmas the update it made. I think Apple needs to make better marketing decisions as to when the update their product lines.

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  • HiRez
    Sep 12, 04:26 PM
    I'd like nothing better than to be able to dump Comcast completely, but without the ability to watch live sports, it's a no-go. If they start streaming games for a couple bucks, I'd definitely take a look at it.

    -- Any regular-season game from any sport = $1.99

    -- Any playoff game from any sport = $2.99

    -- NFL season pass (1 team, 16 games) = $30

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 08:23 AM
    There's a difference between a PC (machine that gives you the ability to work) and a communication / entertainment device.

    We are currently witnessing the melding of the two, with the mobile side emerging as the favoured platform.

    Yes, you'll see content creation on tablet and pad devices. It's inevitable as they get more powerful and easier to use.

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  • Habakuk
    Apr 15, 10:10 AM
    So basically, fat kids deserve to be bullied! Crying themselves to sleep every night is sure to burn extra calories. We should give the bullies a medal for helping reduce our public health care costs.

    But hands off the gays!

    No. What I wanted to say is that fat persons CAN do something against their condition, but homosexuals can't. Obviously. So they deserve such actions like It Gets Better more than fat people. In my honest opinion.

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  • AlBDamned
    Aug 29, 03:25 PM
    That's kind of my point - the UK committed (or was committed) to unrealistic goals and will fail to meet them. Anyone can commit to anything - actually delivering on those commitments is completely different

    Well that's more to do with Blair being uninformed and making decisions because he likes to sound better than he is. If Blair hadn't been a pillock and stuck to the realistic, achievable timeline that everyone else stuck to, then it would have been achievable. Why he said we'd double those targets is beyond most people except the monkey labour spin doctor that suggested it.

    What the Greenpeace report is saying, is that Apple don't even have a strategy (timeline) for restricting material use (bar legal restrictions) and that is a black mark for the company when compared to a company that does. it's doing what it has to do, not what it should be doing if it wants to be considered the best. Dell is similar to this but is further along.

    This is also related to Apple's almost nazi-like paranoia about secrecy which is harming its reputation on several fronts.

    As has already been asked on this thread, why couldn't Apple release details of all the materials is uses or equivalent detail to other manufacturers? Why couldn't it be pro-active and understand the impact it could have (like putting it up at the top of this report)? perhaps because it's not actually as all conquering/superior and clever as it likes people to think?

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 04:29 PM
    no, i've not posted these before...

    Not you - someone presented these to me before. They have been heavily edited to suit a point. In some cases, what's being said contradicts an earlier sentence.

    the point of

    is that if he says whoever guards his chastity is guaranteed paradise then the opposite is true.

    Yes. However, remaining in chastity is a real gem. I don't think anyone, till date has ever achieved that.

    Most honour killings occur in muslim majority countries, or are perpetrated by muslims.

    Correlation does not mean causation. (This phrase is hardwired into my head - it was the only mark I lost in a Biology A Level paper).

    and also:

    A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2).

    I guess Islamic clerics are also misinterpreting Islam's message of peace and inclusion? A person might kill his offspring or offsprings offspring for dishonouring the family.

    The thing with that, and I remember someone talking about it, is that there had to be certain conditions which were met before honour killing was even an option.

    In the cases I've seen, it is murder without trial. Now Islam upholds the sanctity of life, and the Quran declares that killing one innocent human being is akin to killing the entire human race.

    Now, the problem of �honour killings� is not a problem of morality or of ensuring that women maintain their own personal virtue; rather, it is a problem of domination, power and hatred of women who, in these instances, are viewed as nothing more than servants to the family, both physically and symbolically.

    Islamic Scholars have continuously condemned honour killings. It is not for us to judge, that is for Allah to decide.

    in your refutations of my point you don't seem to find any problem with women being beaten for being unchaste lol.

    You didn't bring it to my attention ;)

    my point in mentioning Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 63, Number 196: and the other one which deals with testifying against oneself four times is that it shows that counts as four witnesses for the purposes of someone being found guilty of adultery.

    Yes. Whilst this may seem weird, the person giving the witness, if indeed four times, must be trustworthy. In this case she was. She wanted to repent, knowing the proceeds that would occur.

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 22, 11:17 PM
    Listen Bill Nye, I wasn't making a conclusive observation on the history of the earth, universe, or life forms. I was posing a question that most people (for the sake of simplicity, not illiteracy) relate to with a single word, "bang." If I need an expert opinion for my next astronomy class, I'll give you ring.

    The whole point is that it is not a single "bang." You're trying to conflate how most people view their god with how people conceptualize science. They simply aren't the same.

    It's easy to relate to a single term for everything when that one thing, according to your beliefs, is the answer to everything. It's nearly impossible to do that when the answers to your questions are varied and specific.

    Only the scientifically illiterate relate "bang" to "origin of life."

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 08:05 AM
    Then they should include it in such #'s when it WILL be one not while it's not don't you think?

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  • NathanMuir
    Mar 13, 01:19 PM
    Japan doesn't really have a choice BUT to build plants on the Pacific Rim, since that's where the country is located.

    That, the lack of domestic oil and gas (90% of oil used in electric power is from the Middle East), plus a small highly populated country (rules out big hydropower) and they haven't got many options left. Linky (http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/data/en/data/pdf/433.pdf).

    I didn't say that they didn't have the need (though I'm betting that they'll turn to green energy, in larger part, when they begin the rebuilding process; solar, wind, etc...).

    I just questioned how well thought out the idea was to build these plants in an area that is highly susceptible to volcanic activity.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

    I don't think it's really worth it. Windows 7 and Snow Leopard are so close together in quality that OS X is no longer obviously the better operating system (in my opinion of course). It's also a pain to have to replace your entire collection of Windows applications with Mac versions or Mac alternatives.

    The only reason I still use OS X is because I like the look of it, I like that there are (at the moment) less viruses/trojans/whatevers, and I have way too many Mac only applications that I depend on.

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 9, 07:53 PM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    that alone is enough reason for me to buy mac ;)

    it's not way more expensive for what you get, but i would like to see ibooks be $999 us and tibooks $1999 for starters

    towers can come down a couple hundred and emac could stand to be $999 and imac at $1099

    crt imac can go for $599 and os x can go for $99 dollars

    but i still prefer the mac os and mac hardware over windows and pc boxes/laptops

    Amen Brother!

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  • ender land
    Apr 26, 01:32 AM
    If you strike a bias and confrontational tone, you get one in return.

    And people wonder why PRSI conversations revolve in endless circles, rehashing the same tired subject matter...

    I don't think I did and that certainly is not what I got in return.

    I originally was not going to comment on this thread but the above post struck me as relatively interesting. Your first post is full of statements insinuating religious people are less intelligent, illogical, have something wrong with them, are stubborn, incapable of learning, etc.

    You might get a useful answer if you instead asked "why do rational or intelligent people believe in religion" if you honestly want to learn more about what you address in the original post. Otherwise, you are not asking an earnest question, you are more or less stating "all religious people are unintelligent or irrational, what do you think?" Of course this would require acknowledging the possibility people might believe in religion for reasons other than fear, ignorance, stubbornness, etc.

    Ultimately, the answer to this question will only occur if you can truthfully say "I fundamentally understand why someone is religious. They are because of A, B, C. The reason I disagree with this is because of X, Y, Z." You will not be able to fully answer your question from only the last part of that. Understanding the fundamental differences in what you believe and what someone else believes. And to be perfectly fair, there are probably a large number of religious people of all variety of faiths who probably could not defend their own faith (and in a more general case, real beliefs in general, religious/political/etc) and give any reasons of any significance why they hold the faith/beliefs they do.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 07:54 AM
    The iPad is a companion device and not a true PC.

    It will be. This is just barely scratching the surface.

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 09:09 AM
    How is someone stealing bandwidth, if they are paying for unlimited data. If anything ATT is stealing from them by not allowing them to use their data that they paying for....

    ATT isn't stealing anything. And they are giving you unlimited data on your phone and your phone only because THAT is what you agreed to.

    If you want to change the rules, then att can enforce the rules YOU agreed to.

    Apr 13, 12:45 AM
    This really does look like an Aperture for Video!

    I'm curious to see what the full media cataloging is going to be like. I think that part really changes the workflow most.

    The people complaining about Color going away are going to be happy with the integrated color correction and color grading, especially if it's on the level of Aperture. You can pretty much do any possible color correction and grading with Aperture. Sure, plug-ins exist for Aperture, but the built in color correction is actually fine for everything once you know how to work it, and works at a pro level where most plugins cause it to look amateurish.

    I really see the new update as a perfect complement to dSLR-based video workflows. A dSLR with FCP X and its built-in color grading and correction basically means the end of all other production workflows.

    Mar 25, 11:14 AM
    As marriage is licensed by the state, it is in fact a privilege. The fact that it is near-universally granted doesn't make it any more a right.The fact that something is licensed does not change it from a right to a privilege.

    Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares that "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses."

    For most of Western history, marriage was a private contract between two families. Until the 16th-century, Christian churches accepted the validity of a marriage on the basis of a couple’s declarations. If two people claimed that they had exchanged marital vows—even without witnesses—the Catholic Church accepted that they were validly married.
    State courts in the United States* have routinely held that public cohabitation was sufficient evidence of a valid marriage.

    Apr 28, 10:13 AM
    I just think Apple is making a mistake by not making some low end machines.

    ...They may walk past the small Apple table, see the near �1000 price tag, and think, yeah, right, like we're going to get one of those. I could get two good spec'd windows Laptops for that price.

    ...As the only REAL difference between a PC and a Mac these days is the OS it's running, there is no reason Apple could not make a laptop directly at the price point of a medium to low end Windows laptop and then, people may buy them, and perhaps get used to OS X and in years to come go for an iMac.

    You're completely wrong, Piggie. Anyone who uses Mac hardware knows that. A Macbook Pro is a completely different animal than a piece of crap made by Dell that sells for half the price. Apple doesn't make junk, and never will. I'm glad. I don't care that Joe Cheapo wants the lowest priced garbage he can find, and doesn't care that its hard drive will fail in a year, that its motherboard will fry, it's underpowered, or that his experience will suck and he won't know the difference. Those of us who buy Macs and choose to spend more for a better made machine appreciate the difference. You get what you pay for - remember that.
    And people ARE buying them. In droves.

    Sep 12, 06:42 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Thank you!
    Finally. Most people are not getting it.
    The only thing keeps me from screaming of excitement is IF the wireless stream will be perfect. If Apple can make it work, I'll do exactly what you have described above. Elgato will be my next purchase at the same time I buy ITV.

    Apr 15, 11:32 AM
    But it's not *hateful*. I don't see how a rational being could find that hateful. That's just something that shuts down discussion and mischaracterizes an opponent.

    The stance itself isn't rational (i.e. based on anything empirical), so it's hard to take it seriously as anything other than "hateful" as you put it.


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