Tuesday 10 May 2011

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 01:13 AM
    So this'll mean one of 3 things.

    1) At least 1 Mac Pro will have dual Woodcrests and the rest will have Conroes. Similar to the current PM design.

    Different CPU-models in one line of computers? Unlikely. Current PowerMacs have just one type of CPU in 'em, it just happens that one model has two of them.

    3) The Mac Pros will all have dual Woodcrests, the MBP & iMac will get Meroms, the MB and Mac mini will stick with the Yonahs. So what will use the Conroes? How about the Apple Mac. A simple box with a Conroe processor, a real replaceable video card, no additional PCI slots (those are reseved for the Pro models), with room for one or two full size HDs, a DVD, wireless, bluetooth, etc...

    What I think will happen is that the "MacPro Mini" will have one 16x PCI-E slot, and maybe two PCI-E 8x slots. MacPro would have two 16x PCI-E slots (for dual-graphics), and maybe 3 PCI-E 8x slots. MacPro would also have four drive-bays for HD's (hot-swappable, maybe? (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2600408#post2600408)), whereas MacPro Mini would have just two. MacPro would be all quad (starting from 2x 2Ghz, through 2x 2.33Ghz to 2x 3Ghz), whereas Mini would be 1x 2.33Ghz and 1x 2.66Ghz.

    If they did something like that, I would buy one in a heartbeat. But MacPro would still offer substantial benefits over the Mini, so the people looking at the $1999 MacPro Mini would start to think "why not spend just a bit more, and get a MacPro with all these additional features?". We are already seeing that in iPods :).

    Please Apple: You know this makes sense! There are LOTS of people waiting for the MacPro Mini!

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  • ryme4reson
    Oct 11, 02:14 AM
    If you know about programming languages, and still refuse to accept the scores on the test, check this out:

    Here is the code snippet in question: (C not java, for the sqrt function)
    double x1,x2,x3 ;

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 11:08 AM
    Oh, please.

    The Islamic World today doesn't have much resemblance to the Islamic World of antiquity. Don't forget that a vast majority of ancient Greek texts would have been lost to the ages if not for Islamic scholars, to say nothing of (relatively) advanced mathematical concepts and a symbol for zero.

    No, without pre-Islamic Persian and Arabic sources the renaissance wouldn't have happened.

    Arabic numerals actually come from India.

    Don't forget it's thought the Caliph Umar ordered the burning of the Library at Alexandria. He's quoted as saying: "�If the books agree with the Qur�an, they are superfluous. If they disagree with it, they are heretical.�

    While this may be apocryphal the fact is that Saladin, remember, that great 7th Day Adventist conueror of the Middle-East) used this example as justification to order the burning of many ancient libraries when he reconquered Egypt.

    EDIT: whoops, I just double-checked, Saladin was an Islamic conqueror... my bad!

    We would all be speaking German I expect.

    Why? Or is this another bid for attention and I'm falling for it by giving you the attention you so desperately craved?

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 28, 07:38 AM
    Make up your mind what you want to count iPads as. Damn is it a mobile device a computer. Someone give them a ****ing category already.

    I wonder if those people who complain about iPads not being included in smart phone market share will also complain that the iPad is included in pc sales market share?

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 28, 07:43 AM
    No surprise the iPad is just a fad and people are starting to realize how limited it is. Its frustrating on a lot of cool websites and no file system makes it very limited.

    The very second Apple Stores receive shipments of this fad, they're gone. I can't get a fad at the moment because everyone else and their dog buys them before I have a chance.

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  • EricNau
    Mar 13, 09:23 PM

    Please, this is not the place to debate the advantages and disadvantageous of nuclear power, nor any other politically-charged issue. From the Forum Rules:
    Threads and posts on controversial political, religious, and social issues are to be limited to the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum, and made only by those eligible for that forum.

    If you wish to discuss this issue, please start a thread in PRSI (http://forums.macrumors.com/forumdisplay.php?f=47) if you qualify. Thanks

    Meanwhile, my sincerest condolences to all who were affected by this disaster. Hang in there, and stay safe.

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  • Satori
    Apr 20, 05:12 PM
    No big surprises there

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  • eternlgladiator
    Mar 11, 08:50 AM
    This is just crazy. They quoted a girl on cnn from their facebook comments saying the failnami was a big letdown. What a gigantic "tw*t".

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 08:15 PM
    I'm a little late to this party, but FWIW I don't see much of a difference between this and buying a CD (apart from its tangible nature). CDs are data discs without rights management, after all. It thus similarly boils down to the consumer's conscience.


    Without going into the legal aspects of it, on the whole I cannot fathom any kind of moral problems with this. You're paying for the product -- and the ITMS pays labels a whole lot more than the other options, whether Russian or distributed.

    From an alternate point of view, though, nobody in the 'scene' would consider a 128kbit AAC worthwhile downloading anyway..!

    It's more than a copyright/fair use issue. Let's step back from that for a moment and consider this. It is different from buying a CD and ripping it to your hard drive. You created an iTunes account under which you explicitly agreed to abide by the terms of said account. Ignoring the issue of whether the copyright laws are fair and whether breaking the law is morally justified, here's the thing. You AGREED not to bypass or attempt to circumvent DRM, not to redistribute the files in any unauthorized manner, and to use iTunes alone to interface with the iTMS. And not just agreed passively, but EXPLICITLY agreed to those terms, and now you are breaking your word. How is that not morally wrong? If you didn't accept the terms presented, then there is no reason you should have agreed to them. It nullifies your power to complain. You said, "I don't think this business model is right" in your head, but clicked "I agree to these terms and conditions" anyway. Then you decide that the terms are inconvenient for you. Now you are breaking those terms, which in addition to being illegal on two fronts (copyright law and a legal TOS contract), is breaking your word. There's no way to construe that as morally sound.

    To your final point, I agree that the quality of music sold is inferior, and most who would agree don't use the iTMS anyway. I use it for the incidental track that I like and come across randomly from various artists or that sounds good in the preview. My actual collection of albums demands a higher quality, and I hope iTunes offers 320kbps or lossless in the future for the same price. Then they'd make a lot more money from me, but I know that I'm not necessarily the target demographic. It certainly won't happen if piracy keeps its current rates, though.

    wallpaper iphone. iPhone Wallpaper section
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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 10:18 AM
    I see no reason why Apple won't have a low cost tablet when competitors drop their prices. They are already very aggressive on pricing, and I think we see in the iPod market their approach to pricing these sorts of devices: You can step up from $49 (in the U.S.) all the way to an iPod touch. Hard to beat Apple on pricing, and this is ten years after the iPod was introduced.

    So if Acer or whoever wants to drop the tablet price from $499 to $399 or eventually $299, Apple will be right there with them. After all, Apple gets the best component prices now, so how can anyone undercut them?

    Unless you mean the piece-of-junk plastic tablet ripoffs that can sell for $199 or something. Apple won't make junk versions, and those will win on price. But anyone who buys those deserves the same headaches as people who buy stripped-down Dell boxes.

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 7, 06:52 PM
    The slower Clovertowns also match the Woodie for TDP - you can get more power (for multi-threaded workflows) at the same power consumption (and heat production) with the quad.By Quad you mean each slower Clovertown or a pair of faster Woodies?

    wallpaper iphone. wallpaper iphone
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  • awmazz
    Mar 12, 03:29 AM
    Of course as with all nuclear disasters there's the usual 'don't worry, it's not that bad' while at the same time they evacuate 45,000 people from the immediate surrounds..

    Analysts say a meltdown would not necessarily lead to a major disaster because light-water reactors would not explode even if they overheated.

    Well, that map seems to show Japan itself will be okay from the fallout at least.

    EDIT- They've extended the evacuation radius around the #2 plant to 10km, the same as the #1 plant. The #1 plant is the one which had the explosion.

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  • bradl
    Mar 12, 02:05 AM
    how far is Sendai from Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    so much radiation!!!:eek:

    Sendai is well north of Tokyo. 189mi/304km.

    Hiroshima is 894km/482mi south of Tokyo, with Nagasaki being 960km/596mi south of Tokyo.

    In short, at least 5 - 10 hour's drive.


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  • takao
    Apr 24, 11:58 AM
    And the Catholic church had Galileo jailed for his work on heliocentrism (just one of a countless litany of anti-scientific acts).

    that Galileo has became a poster child of "what the church has done wrong" and science etc. though is nothing short of ironic .. considering that he got into the whole argument by dismissing the pope's model for the solar system without using arguments or science or even reading it (rather unscientific and blunt ;))
    the very same pope who has been his sponsor and patron for years before even becoming pope and made him an employee of the vatican after becoming it, since he was an avid hobby astronomist

    much of the story was more of a personal vendetta

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  • Un wallpaper iPhone style

  • Thanatoast
    Sep 20, 03:16 PM
    Why in the world are so many people complaining about the lack of a DVR and DVD?

    In the case of the DVR, what the heck are you people watching? The last time I saw cable (Dish Network) there were over two hundred channels, and not one thing I wanted to see. I'd much rather pay for a season pass for the one or two shows worth watching than around $60 for cable + Tivo every month.

    Yes, I know, that puts me outside the norm. But I can use the time to read a book, cook a good meal, or go running/work out. All better uses of time than sitting in front of entertainment programing that is 1/3 ads and 2/3 not worth watching.

    As for the DVD player issue, Apple wants you to buy your movies from them. They neither need nor want a DVD player on this device. If you already own a movie on DVD, rip it for goodness' sake. Large collections of DVD's look impressive, but really all they do is take up space.

    My conclusion: drop the cable + Tivo - save money, time and brain cells. Only watch the content you're willing to pay for rather than letting Hollywood/Madison Ave shove whatever they wish down your throat while you slowly vegetate.


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  • Piggie
    Apr 10, 04:46 AM
    Trying to use a finger controlled touch screen as the new answer to everything, and young people thinking this is right, in a way reminds me of being at work.

    We have a company that's been around for 60 or 70 years and has many systems in place to run smoothly that have been perfected over the decades as proven ways of doing things.

    Many years later the original management retire etc, and very young, fresh faced managers straight from school come in, and want to "make their mark" they then set about rubbishing all the "old ways" of doing things, for no really reason other than THEY don't like them, and they are things of the past, hence they must be wrong for just this reason.

    Old = Wrong, New = right.

    They then implemented for force through their new systems, ignoring people who tell them "this won't work" and "you can't do it like that" as, in these young eyes, these people are just stick in the muds resistant to change.

    Move forward a few years of this and everything is a mess, things are way more complicated than they every were, paperwork is much more and things that used to be simple are now causing people all sorts of issues.

    But still the young managers refuse to admit they might be wrong and the ways things used to be done were better, and all the "workers" are struggling having the keep the new systems working.

    A little like, someone saying, Oh a round steering wheel in a car? How old that design is, it has to be wrong, from now on all our cars won't have steering wheels, that's for old people, we are moving forward to a flat touch screen panel in the car, much more modern, and those people who don't like them, or think a car is harder to control are just old people who can't understand the possibilities that this will bring.

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  • Chappers
    Mar 13, 11:38 AM
    That is far more destruction than the power station could bring.

    I'm not against nuclear power but it is a bit more difficult to clear up after a bad nuclear leak and the risks to health from that leakage have the potential to be felt for a lot longer.

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  • RedReplicant
    Apr 5, 05:30 PM
    One off the top of my head is that everything costs money application wise, there is very little freeware.

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  • SMM
    Oct 21, 12:52 PM
    It will come, just not with the initial production models. With the quad-core chips, Intel is already running into FSB bandwidth issues as it is. The Clovertowns are essentially dual Woodcrest CPUs stuck on the same die, sharing the same FSB and communication between the first duo-core CPU and the second duo-core CPU on that die must travel onto the FSB and into the other CPU. Between the two cores that are linked directly, data sharing can be handled through the L1 cache. So, depending on your application, the 8-core may be no better than a 4-core system -- if what your'e doing is already maxing out your CPU bus bandwidth. Somwhere down the road as Intel shifts to its 45nm production process and fully integrates all 4 cores on a single CPU (and later, 8 cores on die), we will see massive improvements in inter-core bandwidth. They will have to step-up on the FSB bandwidth though... Possibly by increasing the MHz, but more than likely we'll see some of that combined with increasing the width of the data path and possibly using multiple parallel FSB designs. ...Going to be interesting, that's for sure. And with Intel's new process and the plans for continuously jamming more cores onto a die at higher speeds, I think we're in for a real ride over the next 5 years or so.

    Absolutely agree. It must be exciting to be an EE working on this stuff right now. So many options to explore. How would you design a memory bus which would be dynamic enough to adjust for a doubling of processors? If you had a fixed, known number of processors, the design is straight-forward. But, the new multi-core design is not something they have had to deal with before. I wonder how they will do it?

    Lesser Evets
    Apr 13, 05:49 AM
    $299 is impressive.

    I've been saying that if they put FCX online for $79.99 I'd buy immediately. I'm confused why Apple has an online App store and yet they offer paltry bits of programming.

    Apr 24, 06:32 PM
    Maybe not in the New Testament, but certainly in the Old.

    Nope, not in the Old Testament either. There is a recounting of events which say what happened, but there is no commandment from God to "urge the believers to battle. If there are among you 20 [who are] steadfast, they will overcome 200...... And if there are among you 100 [who are] steadfast, they will overcome 1000 of those who have disbelieved...(qur'an 8:65) to this day.

    The New Testament Abrogates the Old Testament anyway, so it's not relevant to Christians.

    May 8, 04:56 PM
    Sounds exactly like my story. I liked Verizon, but couldn't justify another 45 bucks extra for service.

    I think that ATT and Verizon are basically the same price nowadays.

    If Sprint could roam with EVDO data on Verizon, I'd jump to them in a heartbeat. Hot phones, low price.

    Aug 30, 01:01 AM
    ooooooooooh no is the world coming to a end?

    R-E-L-A-X fello MR peeps :cool:

    Apr 6, 11:19 AM
    This. Though there are exceptions. As iCole suggests taking a screenshot out of the box is a bit counter-intuitive when the keyboards lack a "print screen" button. :p However you can do that using Preview or Grab.

    cmd-shft-3 to get a screen shot *instantly* on your desktop

    Opening snipping tool
    switching to full screen mode
    choosing a file name
    quit the app


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