Tuesday 10 May 2011

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 23, 12:20 AM
    I don't Know what type of Atheists you meet, but most of those in this forum(theists too :D) DO argue their beliefs and do not expect them to go unchecked.
    Unchecked in what sense of the word "unchecked?"

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:00 PM
    I don't believe in God. To me, I haven't seen anything to convince me of his existence and it just seems way too convenient of a way to explain away difficult questions. I also don't think that religion would add anything to my life - it's just not an issue for me, I don't even think about it until asked.

    I am interested in this thread, just because I am not used to people questioning my viewpoint, or even really caring about how big the atheist population is. In the UK, it just doesn't seem that the issue is that important.

    Is this a bigger issue in the US, and do atheists abroad feel pressure to at least consider the idea of a God?

    I'm in the U.S, and I do receive a lot of pressure! I get on average 4-5 messages a week from believers on Facebook warning me of hellfire. :-/ and I'm not even too strident in my disbelief.
    Normally I just take it as a joke, but lately its been getting to me. I think that my hellfire threats are above average even for American atheists.

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  • Kartun+muslimah+comel

  • jiggie2g
    Jul 12, 05:38 PM
    Merom will underperform a Conroe under equal high loads because of thermal constraints (in unmodified systems).

    prove it. links , otherwise this is FUD.

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  • alexf
    Aug 29, 11:30 AM
    Shame on you, Apple. Corporate greed wins again - so what else is new?

    At least this report should get them moving... It took publicity to get them to finally start their iPod and expanded computer recycling program; had nobody said anything then these programs would probably not exist.

    Thanks to Greenpeace, Apple will hopefully belatedly get its act together.

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  • kartun comel islamik ichk-

  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 12:16 PM
    Did you maybe mean celibacy? I'm sorry that this confusion has happened to you. I know, there are lots of words in the English language and it's really hard to keep track of them all.

    I suggest a dictionary. There are many on the web, even.

    Post reported. If you can't see fit to post without insulting the intelligence of other members, then maybe you should not post. Everyone makes mistakes. If you can't accept that others make them and address it in a civil manner, maybe you should sit back and chill for a minute.

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  • wallpaper kucing. Comel kan

  • roland.g
    Sep 20, 09:56 AM
    Since iTV most likely wont be a DVR device, I coughed up $700 today for a Sony DVR instead.
    I am sure Apple has a brilliant plan for the iTV, but I fail to see it.

    iTV is a great product. If you want a DVR, buy a DVR, if you want the next level of streaming, iTV is it. I already use Airtunes alot. It is hooked up to my stereo. Anytime I'm out in the yard or having a BBQ, I just plug in the Express and some speakers out back and stream music there.

    I personally don't buy tv shows and movies, but I like the idea of being able to code anything video into iTunes and view it on my tv along with slideshows, music, trailers.

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  • copii kartun comel islamik

  • takao
    Mar 14, 12:31 PM
    His worry seems to center around the possibility of a hydrogen explosion inside of the containment vessel causing a wall breech. He also believes that the previous hydrogen explosion was due to gas escaping in an unplanned manner.

    AFAIK the problem with reactor 2 is now that the pressure inside the containment is very,very high because of damaged valves preventing steam from escaping in a controlled manner. thus they cant simply pump in more and more water to cool the currently not covered fuel rods because it would dramatically increase the pressure and thus risk containment damages

    so they are currently walking the fine line between risking the containment by pumping in water and a meltdown if they don't.. hardly a situation anybody wants to be

    wallpaper kartun comel. Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur
  • Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur

  • milo
    Sep 12, 03:33 PM
    When this thing surpasses the capabilities of my Windows media center and Xbox 360 combo then I will be impressed. Until then Apple is playing catch up to MCE and playing it poorly.

    Which cost what, five times what this will cost? The stuff you have will never go mainstream, it's way too expensive.

    This is the same thing as having a mac mini connected to your TV...though I guess it has HDMI. This leads me to believe that they will release a Software Update for Front Row upon release of the "iTV".

    Nope. This is nothing like a mini, other than the box. Looks like it doesn't even have a hard drive.

    Why no computer with all of this functionality? this is kinda like front row, but not much extra?

    Why can't we buy a mid sized tower (in stereo size) which can have HDMI 1080p output? with blu-ray drive built in?

    Because that would be far more expensive, with little potential to get cheaper. Something based on a full computer would never get cheap enough to really catch on.

    wallpaper kartun comel. Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur
  • Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur

  • P-Worm
    Sep 20, 07:13 AM
    Is it possible that the cable ports on the back can be used for both input AND output? I don't see why not.


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  • lukis kartun comel

  • firewood
    Apr 21, 11:18 AM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy.

    Walk into the engineering or computer science department of a top university. I have, and I see lots and lots of Macs and iPhones. Even at Google's own developer events, I see more MacBooks than HP laptops, or any other brand in particular.

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  • norshahrul kartun comel

  • tigres
    May 6, 10:23 AM
    In Philly yesterday; the airport.

    Full bars, and 3G service.
    Had 29 call failed.
    Dropped 5 calls, with call failed.

    Had customers calls go straight to VM.


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  • gambar kartun kanak

  • tigress666
    May 6, 10:19 AM
    I've had AT&T/Cingular since 2002/3. I've barely ever had an issue. When I did, it was one month where they did seem to run ******. Then that went away and I've not had an issue again *shrug* (Ok, once at a county fair where probably all the people conglamerated together in an area that usually isn't that populous probably overloaded the towers there. Actually, it turned out it was my iphone had crashed and needed to restart which has happened to me occasionally). I've used my phone in Washington, Georgia, Connecticut, Long Island, and New Jersey.

    The only carrier I avoid like the plague is Sprint. And to be fair, maybe they've improved by now (to have still survived I would think so). And it wasn't dropped calls. It was so reliabley bad connection calls I could never understand anyone calling on Sprint. And everyone I knew with Sprint had the same complaints.

    MY parents had Sprint and I finally asked them to call me on their landline cause I never could understand the call (and htis was the time Sprint was advertising that you would misunderstand people on other networks. My experience their parody of other networks fit them to a T).

    My only thing with Verizon (once again they may have changed by now) is they were significantly more expensive than Cingular or T-Mobile (and Cingular had better coverage than T-Mobile which is why I went with them). Like by 20 dollars a month when I was shopping for plans (this was just regular voice plans). I've been happy enough with Cingular I've never really felt the need to change *shrug*. I probably would not have gotten the iphone if it wasn't on AT&T (cause I was just browsing phones AT&T had). And now I love the iphone so much AT&T would have to suddenly get really bad or another carrier would have to get really good (or a really enticing phone) to make me want to leave.

    wallpaper kartun comel. Kartun Comel | Blog
  • Kartun Comel | Blog

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 21, 10:23 AM
    Contrary to what many people are saying here, I don't think PVR is Apple's stratedgy. PVR woud have to be based on a subscription model, and Apple has shown us for years now that it won't have it that way.

    First of all, with subscription models, Apple doesn't have a constant income vs content distributed ratio. They'll lose money on those who use it a lot and only *maybe* gain on those who don't. This is as opposed to the current model where Apple earns a lot of money on those who use it a lot, not as much on those who don't, but are least it's the same rate, no matter who you are. Non-subscription models offer more freedom.

    I'm pretty sure that if you want to watch a show, Apple wants you to buy it from them at full price. That way they don't have to deal with whoever might be watching a ton of shows vs those who aren't. They ensure their profitability this way.

    ...and when it comes to iTunes Music, their profit margins are slim to begin with.


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  • tags comel , iftar, kartun

  • UnixMac
    Oct 9, 05:51 PM
    Bottom line.......Macs are over priced....we just keep buying them and so why would the accountants want to change that gig?

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  • Ghost stories kartun lawak

  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:53 AM
    More hate from the god squad. :rolleyes:

    So true. And yet I am always told Christianity is all about loving one's neighbour… (as long as you don't covet his ass, I guess).

    Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
    Looking at that list, heaven is gonna be a tad empty…

    wallpaper kartun comel. berdamai kartun yang comel
  • berdamai kartun yang comel

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 04:39 PM
    I completely agree. As a software guy myself (maybe I'm a bit biased :)) I think the real magic is software. I think most would agree with me that Apple has a rather "unique" approach to software engineering, that sets it apart from the rest of the pack. Afterall, this is the biggest reason we use Macintosh. In my opinion, this is much more important than speed.

    wallpaper kartun comel. Setcadar kartun yang comel ade
  • Setcadar kartun yang comel ade

  • tayldn
    Oct 14, 05:38 AM
    Completely agree.

    Me too. (Gartner know nothing- pure guesses). Having lots of devices is going to be less and less important for Nokia and Android. Apple have shown that form factor is not that important (not as important as it was when everything on the inside was the same)- a good big screen with a thin unit is all most need now that the magic is on the inside. Consumers are not going to want to differentiate with form factor (outside) so much as the cool stuff inside- there's real personalisation going on...inside.

    I really used to dislike Apple (broken ipod!). But they know how to treat developers like me. The iPhone is going to take a much bigger share of the market over the next 24 months in the UK where it's coming off exclusivity with o2. The product is better and will stay better for some time. And cheaper untis are going to hit the market very soon making this accessible to everyone. Apple'll let this thing keep growing- in the future, they'll be able to make a loss on the handset...
    Reckon they've got 24 months over the other manufacturers. o2 have about 20% of the market. Apple could triple their market share quite quickly simply by going with 2 more operators. Bit rudimentary I know- but why not?

    wallpaper kartun comel. Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur
  • Gambar Kartun Comel Berunsur

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:13 AM
    What hateful nonsense.

    Everything is hate to people like you. It makes it impossible to have any kind of conversation.

    Difference of opinion != Hate

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  • AidenShaw
    Oct 26, 07:04 AM
    Now we see what Apple saw - why the Mac Pro is strickly BTO.

    Just add two more processor options for the X5355 and E5345, and this upgrade is done.
    Just like the Dell online store... ;)

    Apr 21, 09:52 AM
    1. What "punch"? If we're going to use arbitrary words, iPhones beat Android to the "desert". FACT
    2. Phone carriers selling Android devices and offering incentives helps the needs of those who do not afford to buy an iPhone but need a smartphone. I fixed it for you.
    3. No, they aren't. Please link some sources stating so?
    4. Sure, I'll give you that if you want to say it's a ripoff. This is a whole other issue.
    5. Sure. It's bound to.
    6. That tends to be the way of the Open Source area.
    7. I'd hope so. Any competitors selling iPhones should probably be sued, since you know, that'd be a blatant rip off.
    8. Sure.
    9. Yes, yes and yes.
    10. They're really just as bad as Apple's fanboys. I've noticed that the only difference in comments from the huge Apple fanboys and anti Apple fanboys are generally the words "Best" and "Worst" get flip flopped.
    HTC is a valid example for #3. If Android hadn't came along, there was a pretty good chance HTC would have gone away.

    Oct 26, 01:54 PM
    If it's a simple swap of processors, then I would believe the rumors. :) 8-cores, wow! Much much faster than anyone anticipated.

    I saw on one of the tech sites that they dropped a sample of the quad core xeon into the mac pro and it worked perfectly. There might be some cooling issues, but given that the quads actually run at a slightly lower clock speed, I doubt it.

    Getting lots of cores is nice and all, but we aren't going to be seeing the kind of steady speed improvements that we used to. Not everything is readily threadable, and the less effective the threading, the less advantage you get from having all those cores. I mean sure you can encode four different movies at the same time or something like that, but in a real world use case, does it matter?

    It's going to be a while before the software catches up with the hardware so in the mean time you're better off with a lower number of high speed cores than a lot of low speed ones.

    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    They should have just called this iMovie pro, because that's what it is. So, Apple Color is left to die the death of Shake, huh? Wow, crazy. I bet Avid is pretty thrilled with this. It's almost like they said "Let's leave the big installs to Avid"

    It's iMovie Pro yet it retains all features of the previous Final Cut and then some in a modern UI with massive performance gains? OK bro, whatever helps you sleep at night.

    Apr 21, 06:58 AM
    But just like Windows, it's practically impossible to have any problems unless you do something stupid.

    I'm guessing that you haven't used any of the earlier versions of Windows much... cos everyone else knows about the random glitches, screen freeze, BSOD and crashes .... unless you count turning it on as stupid ... Well, actually that I can agree with. :)

    Aug 29, 01:50 PM
    But diesel has significantly more particulate matter in it - bad for respiratory health - particularly in cities.

    Not after the 2007 US regulations go into effect. Even with current regulations, though, diesel has less particulate matter per mile traveled than pump gasoline, if you factor in the increased efficiency.

    How much gas does it take to manufacture 1 gallon of gas? What if the E85 started being manufactured without using energy from oil?

    I should have clarified, sorry. I meant to say that E85 requires the same amount of oil-based energy to create as the gas refining process.

    In the future, H-based fuels can be manufactured with renewable energy sources. Gas/oil is never going to be a sustainable route because the raw products are finite.

    True. But the assumption of energy innovation is a mistake, given the failure of oil-alternatives over the past 100+ years. This does not mean that looking for alternatives is fruitless (the opposite is true), but giving up on fossil fuels before an alternative is found is a gross error.

    Out-right banning GM is a mistake. But putting the control of GM foods into the hands of powerful multinationals - and not in the hands of the people of Africa - would be a bigger mistake.

    God forbid that someone gets richer by ensuring that my family doesn't die.

    EDIT: Can I just clarify that it's nice to discuss these things without suggesting that Greenpeace "F Off" or that Apple is causing World Destruction?


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