Tuesday 10 May 2011

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  • puma1552
    Mar 12, 02:15 AM
    Keep the tasteless joke posts out of here.

    As someone knowing people in Fukushima and Sendai who lost everything but their lives yesterday (though one guy's cat was killed), these posts are crap, and I have already reported two, and will continue to do so.

    Keep it clean, this isn't the time to be joking, and it's pretty tasteless, about as bad as CNN's Godzilla jokes; sometimes I wonder if it just doesn't register with people just because it didn't happen to them.

    This is the worst devastation Japan has seen in a few hundred years.

    Considering how terrible this is, having (so far) a mere thousand or two dead/missing (almost all so far being a result of the tsunami and not the quake itself) is a miracle, and a testament to the warning systems, the building codes and construction, and the seriousness with which these issues are taken by the Japanese and the preparedness they show.

    Times like this I truly admire the Japanese. And, like Kobe after the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995, Japan will rebuild better, more beautifully, more gracefully, and be stronger than ever, in just a few years' time. Kobe is absolutely stunning today, and in time so too will Sendai be. Japan will not treat this like Katrina.

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  • lipinski77
    Sep 20, 01:36 PM
    The iTV makes the elgato eyetv hybrid even more appealing. :)


    Use it to record your shows and then stream it to the iTV.

    -bye bye comcast DVR.

    what about calling it the iStream (ha)

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 09:46 AM
    This is an excellent initiative. Bullying goes on beyond high school and college too. You see it everywhere. There are parts of our cities where it's just unsafe for any of them to go walking alone, just because of how their sexuality is perceived by the ignorant and thuggish class. I think that's sad - clearly there's still a long road ahead.

    Good on Apple employees - and all others who partnered in this initiative - for speaking up.

    Maybe the next generation will be the one that shrugs its shoulders when discussion of sexual orientation comes up, like it's no big deal, because no one really sees it as a major social issue anymore. Maybe then the bullying will stop, having lost a target.

    But see, aren't you really showing what this is all about? This has nothing to do with bullying. It's just more identity politics from a powerful pressure group or "community".

    This is about getting members of your "community" to band together and balkanize themselves. It's about increasing membership, not taking on bullying.

    Bullying is a generic problem - why you're being bullied doesn't matter, it all comes from the same place. Bullies bully to elevate their own social status - because it works. They don't actually care that you're gay. It's not some big homophobic conspiracy. Later on in life, most of them will probably have a beer with you and apologize.

    If you want to really take on bullying, you need a totally different kind of campaign.

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  • skunk
    Apr 27, 01:51 PM
    The Judaeo-Christian God has certain attributes which I listed. Does this Ugaritic God share the same attributes, ie omniscience, omnipotence, omnibenevolence?You can give a god any attributes you want.

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  • munkery
    May 3, 12:15 AM
    Yes, and that prevents AntiVirus 2010 from successfully collecting credit card info too.

    Check out this quote about the latest variant of that Windows malware called Antivirus 2011.

    You're blocked from executing anything else, including trying to run your real anti-virus program.

    This virus program renders your entire computer useless until you can get it removed. And some of its many variants are becoming immune to existing removal tools.

    From here, http://detnews.com/article/20110502/BIZ04/105020317/1013/rss12

    BTW, it renders Windows useless by corrupting the registry. No registry in OS X.

    Luckily, this type of malware on a Mac is not nearly as bad if your clumsy enough to get infected. You can even remove it from the account that is infected without having to boot into a safe mode.

    This post made me have to edit a previous post. Thought I should quote it,

    Problems with Windows security in comparison to Mac OS X presented just in this thread:

    1) Greater number of privilege escalation vulnerabilities:

    Here is a list of privilege escalation (UAC bypass) vulnerabilities just related to Stuxnet (win32k.sys) in Windows in 2011:


    Here is a list of all of the privilege escalation vulnerabilities in Mac OS X in 2011:


    2) Earlier versions of NT based Windows (Windows XP and earlier) do not use discretionary access controls by default.

    3) Permissions system does not include a user defined unique identifier (password) by default. More susceptible to user space exploitation leading to authentication stolen via spoofed prompt that appears unrelated to UAC because password not associated with authentication.

    4) Windows sandbox mechanism relies on inherited permissions so that turning off UAC turns off the sandbox. This sandbox has been defeated in the wild (in the last two pwn2owns).

    I do not know of any TrustedBSD MAC framework (BSD and Mac sandbox), AppArmor (openSUSE and Ubuntu), or SE Linux (Fedora) mandatory access control escapes? These sandbox mechanisms do not rely on inherited permissions.

    5) The Windows registry is a single point of failure that can be leveraged by malware.

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  • robbieduncan
    Mar 14, 12:12 PM
    While the idea is ridiculous Lewis Carroll (who was a mathematician amongst other things:rolleyes:) did some work on the problem and in a fictional work came up with this:

    "In Chapter 7 of Lewis Carroll's 1893 book Sylvie and Bruno. The fictional German professor, Mein Herr, proposes a way to run trains by gravity alone. Dig a straight tunnel between any two points on Earth (it need not go through the Earth's center), and run a rail track through it. With frictionless tracks the energy gained by the train in the first half of the journey is equal to that required in the second half. And also, in the absence of air resistance and friction, the time of the journey is about 42 minutes (84 for a round trip) for any such tunnel, no matter what the tunnel's length."


    It's a cool idea but the frictionless materials to build the tracks from don't exist outside physics exam papers :(

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:49 PM
    HAHAHA One-click CC. you are funny or... well you know what.

    I think I'm supposed to feel insulted by your ignorance. but I don't. If you want to make a counter argument, you can start by being honest about what I was saying.

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  • DMann
    Sep 26, 01:11 AM
    8 cores ought to be enough for anybody. true, what would you do with extra cores? simply overkill.

    Eight cores, with hyper threading active would dramatically reduce
    rendering times, making production a whole lot faster and
    more efficient. This is truly something to be psyched about!

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:17 AM
    Dear MacRumors,

    Please don't judge Christians based on this one ignorant post.


    We should judge Christians on what they profess to believe to be the inspired (or literal) word of god: The Bible.

    Good thing that "one ignorant post" didn't use any passages from The Bib....aww, crap!

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  • kingcrowing
    Jul 12, 05:23 PM
    well they will all have the same mobo, so conroe on the low end and woodcrest on the high ends isnt an option, its one or the other. But Im assuming its going to be woodcrest and the low end one will have only 1 dual core processor, but it'll have an open ZIF slot so you can drop in a 2nd processor aftermarket (but this would never be supported by apple because unlike RAM, you need to also install a heatsink and thermal paste) due to that face the low end might just have 4 much slower processors like 4x2.32ghz on the low and then liuke 4x3.4ghz on the high end. I personally would rather have 4 slower processors than 2 slightly faster processors because Ido more multi tasking than super intensive programs.

    Jiggy- They are right, the reason people pay $3200+ for a quad G5 is because they use their computer for a living, doing serious video editing, music editing, anything like that- more processors are never a liability and if you spend everyday on that coputer then its worth the extra few hundred dollars (even $1k) to someone who really needs the power

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  • firestarter
    Apr 23, 07:49 PM
    Apple users question. Atheists/Agnostics question.

    You see a trend yet?

    Yarweh uses Windows
    Allah is still on CP/M
    The Buddah uses Unix
    And Atheists use Macs?

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  • Piggie
    Apr 28, 02:10 PM
    Even our PCs are not standalone by that definition, basically needing a Net connection to get much done.

    That makes me smile.. :)

    You must be very young :D

    It's funny as I'm sure the world of computing managed to perform quite well as did I with all my many computers, many many MANY years before the internet was around and in use my the public in any real numbers and we could download pictures of naked ladies :eek:

    A PC can do anything and everything you want, It's a full computer, not a web browser.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 27, 09:35 AM
    You need to learn how to read quoted text before reading a response.

    You obviously seem to be missing the extremely simple point here, I was merely pointing out that in Catholicism priests are expected to be celibate so expecting a gay person to be celibate is not exactly unheard of in a religious context.

    The fact that some people have the opinion that being gay is OK as long as you are not a practicing gay follows the same logic as priests being expected to remain celibate and also shares some of the reasons why as well.

    If you had followed the thread you would see where the original comment came from.

    And maybe you need to learn that when you reiterate a point that has already been made in the form of a "why not" question, you are viewed to be supporting the point. I have followed the thread, and I saw the point you were quoting. If you are saying that it makes any kind of sense, I'll ask you again, "why?"

    That the Catholics believe this bit about celibacy has been apparent for a few pages - there was never any need for you to regurgitate the point. But now that you apparently have, and have assigned some sort of logic to it, I'm asking what is that logic. What reasons that apply to a priest being celibate might apply to a gay person?

    You seem to be trying to defend everything about your post but the only issue anyone could ever have with it.

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  • mjstew33
    Jul 12, 01:23 AM
    Or maybe instead of a Mac pro mini, it might be a Mac mini Extreme? :cool:

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  • miles01110
    May 2, 10:08 AM
    The fact is, understanding the proper terminology and different payloads and impacts of the different types of malware prevents unnecessary panic and promotes a proper security strategy.
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.
    I'd say it's people that try to just lump all malware together in the same category, making a trojan that relies on social engineering sound as bad as a self-replicating worm that spreads using a remote execution/privilege escalation bug that are quite ignorant of general computer security.
    I'd say a social engineering attack is worse than a virus, because social engineering attacks succeed far more often than viruses do. Glass is half full.
    Really? If they cannot differentiate b/w viruses, they have no right to comment on them. There's some basic education involved in dealing with such things.

    If you cannot differentiate b/w a guest and an intruder, it's not my fault.
    I have no idea how this is relevant to anything I've brought up. "I agree."

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  • Taz Mangus
    Apr 21, 03:10 PM
    still not raking in the huge lion's share of industry profits? apple is, android manufacturers arent.

    AndroidfoLife is quite impressed with the fact that Andriod now runs on applicances. I get a good laugh everytime I think about that. Talk about racing to the bottom.

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  • bobsentell
    Mar 18, 08:47 AM
    Some of the responses on this thread are really amusing.

    The people who are defending AT&T's actions are either astroturfing shills, or dolts.

    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    This is a specious argument because they didn't put that in your contract. Your contract says you have no interest in tethering, yet you use it anyway. So it's not AT&T that's doing anything illegal.

    If you think AT&T is doing something illegal, then take your dollars to Verizon.

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  • Piggie
    Apr 28, 02:06 PM
    Well, in the future I'm talking about involving cloud computing, the link will be there but it will be over the air. But it seems you are talking about not having any link to iTunes. But then what do you want to link it to? The Android app market? Cydia? I mean, you need to have some place to link it to in order to hook into the world of apps (plus backups, etc.) Even our PCs are not standalone by that definition, basically needing a Net connection to get much done.

    So what is an independent device to you? Independent of what?

    I want it to be like a PC, a Mac or a Laptop.

    I don't want to have to "Link" it to anything to do anything. I want a tablet to do everything itself without needing any linking to add functionality.

    I don't want to "Link" it to any market, I want to download programs onto it, in the same way you can download apps onto a PC or a Mac without using any market if I so wish.


    You only do "Backups" like this to mobile temp devices, like phones and PDA's.

    Sure, I can "COPY" my data onto a storage device if I wish, or perhaps another computer. Just like you do a PC or a Mac.

    I don't take a full image of my PC and sync it to an even bigger computer. As my PC "IS" my bigger computer.

    I want to be able to download data from my Tablet onto Any PC or MAC in the world by connecting a USB lead between the two and moving my data across, and perhaps upload some data from that PC or Mac also. Just like we can between Laptops, Macbooks, PC's and iMac's.

    That's what I want. A Free and independent Tablet, not linked or synced or docked to any "larger" computer.

    You don't do this with your Macbook as it's an independent computer in it's own right. All I want is the same from a Tablet.

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  • steve_hill4
    Jul 12, 06:13 AM
    Because 105% of Mac-users have bought Photoshop Elements bundled with a digital camera. 95% of those never bother to upgrade to full version and 82% of those never use the software anyway. Oh, and 67% of statistics are made on spot ;)
    I thought it was 88.2%?


    Actually from a Guinness ad, which also stated men think of sex every 6 seconds, before cutting to a revolving pint glass, with a half second flash of a woman in lingerie about half way through.

    Glen Quagmire
    Jul 12, 06:22 AM
    Where's the "Mac OS Rumors" option? (http://macosrumors.com/20060710B1.php)

    They are still labouring under the illusion that Woodcrest will be quad core. A cursory glance at Intel's literature or on the web will reveal that Woody is a dual-core beast, nothing more.

    (Disclaimer: I read MOR for entertainment, not for real news.)

    Anyway, I'll take a 2.67Ghz (or more) dual-dual Mac Pro, please. In black.

    Sep 20, 06:14 AM
    Oh please, yes. For me, iTV will only truly be the final piece of the jigsaw if I can also watch my recorded (and possibly live) EyeTV content through it.

    A hook-up between Apple and Elgato sounds the most natural thing. Elgato should continue to make hardware for all the various TV standards (terrestrial / cable / sat / digital / etc etc), but perhaps use some Apple desigers to make their boxes a bit more "Apple-looking". Then, Apple can take the EyeTV 2.x software and integrate it with iTunes.

    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.


    I was hoping that's the purpose of the USB port. I know many are thinking it's for the iPod, but I'm hoping you can plug a tuner in :)

    edit: in addition to the plug-in tuner, I hope it streams backwards to the computer harddrive.

    Mar 15, 10:07 PM
    ... no matter how bad this escalades ... somehow this will be contained.

    Considering that the conditions at the facility appear to be deteriorating, you might need to rethink what you mean by "contained".

    May 5, 05:38 PM
    and obviously have either never made any calls or do not live in a major metropolitan city like NY.

    i live in one of att's top 3 markets and havent dropped a call for a year. and both me and my dad (who also doesnt drop calls) are on the phone a lot.

    for all the people saying they have a bad signal just in your house its your own fault. not att's.

    also to this chart thing i bet most of the people on that chart are att haters just cause the iphone is att only. FYI dont get a phone if its service doesnt work near you. you have no right to complain if there are other carriers to choice.

    Oct 19, 02:32 PM
    Congrats! Hope you have better luck than me.. I had to refuse mine on monday because the box was mangled and crushed. Dell is shipping a new one, but I don't have tracking/delivery info yet. :( But like I said before, I have one already and love the the thing.

    And now for the update... Dell re-shipped via UPS next-day. Still took until yesterday apparently to actually ship from Dell. But it's here. I just plugged it in and everything looks just fine. No dead/stuck pixels I can see. But then again, that's the way my first one was I bought nearly a year ago. After about 3 months, *POP!* one blue stuck pixel. Hehe, these two screens look maaaavolous together. :D Would it be gloating too much if I posted a pic? Heheheh... Maybe I'll bust out the camera after I clean off my desk. ;)


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